Our Lenders
Rate Specials
*Rates shown are based on repayments of principal & interest for full doc owner occupier residential loans only and are current as at 14/10/2021.
The variable rate shown on this page is for new applications ≥$50,000 with an LVR less than or equal to 80%.
**Rates shown are based on repayments of principal & interest for full doc residential investment loans only and are current as at 14/10/2021.
The variable rate shown on this page is for new applications ≥$50,000 with an LVR less than or equal to 80%.
***Comparison rates are based on a loan of $150,000 over a term of 25 years.
WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Fees and charges apply.
Important Information: Important Information: Interest rates, fees and charges are subject to change.
Glenferrie Group Lending Services Pty Ltd. (Australian Credit Licence number 395011).
If you would like a free review of your existing loans or want to discuss any finance related matters, please give us a call on 03 9912 1212.
Adrian Rogers - Director / MFAA Credit Adviser
Peter Cleary - MFAA Credit Adviser